The procedure can relieve physical symptoms such as breast discomfort, neck ache, backache, shoulder pain, skin irritations under the breast fold, painful pressure from bra straps and difficulties and discomfort during exercise.



Whether you find it difficult to locate clothing to accommodate your sizeable chest, have been forced to withdraw from a sport or exercise you love, or struggle with pain due to the weight of your bust - oversized breasts can wreak havoc on our quality of life.

The expert team at Estetik International will design a treatment plan just for you, to ensure that all of your reduction requirements are met.


There are several different surgical procedures for breast reduction. Excess skin and fat is removed. Your breasts are reshaped and the nipples are repositioned. All procedures result in a scar around the areola (dark area around the nipple) and each method results in additional scarring.

Your surgeon will discuss each procedure with you and together you will decide which is best in your particular case. Breast reduction can also be used to correct asymmetry (imbalance) of the breasts.


Price includes: Anaesthesia (if needed), compression garments (if needed) pre-operative tests, medications, all consultations, standard transfer services, stay at clinic, and personal consultant. 


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