If you want to refreshen and rejuvenate your face, facelift surgery may be the procedure for you.

During the procedure, excess skin from the face and neck as well as unwanted fat deposits below the chin are removed, leaving your face tighter, more lifted, and healthier looking.



Thin lines, formed due to gravity and age, tend to worsen and get deeper due to weather conditions, unhealthy nutritional habits and frequent weight fluctuations.

Men and women who are uncomfortable with these lines in addition to sagging in the face, wrinkles around the mouth, decreased face fat tissue volume, non-aesthetic double chin, and a sagging chin can be good candidates for a surgical facelift.


Facelift surgery begins with carefully planned incisions placed along the hairlines and ear lines (to keep scars hidden). The deep tissue layer at the bottom of the skin that is attached to the face muscles are separated and stretched by lifting upwards and out toward the front of the ear.

In short, the skin is repositioned to leave the patient with a younger look and tighter, firmer skin in the lower face and neck region. Permanent sutures are used to obtain long-results and stabilise the platysma layers in their new positions.


Price includes: Anaesthesia (if needed), compression garments (if needed) pre-operative tests, medications, all consultations, standard transfer services, stay at clinic, and personal consultant. 


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